Blowfish Encryption

Encryption Resources

Name -- Syntax / Description
bf_decrypt( key, encrypted, plaintext var )
Blowfish decryption
Returns 1 on success, 0 on error
  • key = the encryption key in ECB mode. the key must be 16 characters.
  • plaintext = the text thats encrypted
  • encrypted = if sucessful it will contain the results
bf_encrypt( key, plaintext, encrypted var )
Blowfish encryption
Returns 1 on success, 0 on error
  • key = the encryption key in ECB mode. The key must be 16 characters.
  • plaintext = the text thats encrypted
  • encrypted = if sucessful it will contain the results
User Annotations: blowfish
Justin Sims : justin at, e-businessexpress d0t com
09/20/2011 16:16 p.m.
It's important to note that both the bf_encrypt and bf_decrypt functions require a key of 16 characters. Attempting to use a shorter key results in the functions failing. Thanks to Bill Guindon who was kind enough to initially point it out on the forums.