Is designed to make dealing with arrays of items more convenient. Each item in the array is represented in the loop as an iterator variable, simplifying the syntax. Optionally you can exit the loop using
<MvFOREACH ITERATOR = "{ expression } | variable name" 
           ARRAY = "{ expression } | array name" 
           INDEX = "{ expression } | variable name" 
           FIRST = "{ expression }" 
           NEXT = "{ expression }" 
           LAST = "{ expression }"
           COUNT = "{ expression }">

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User Annotations: MvFOREACH
Scott Shepard : ids at, southbound d0t com
08/29/2016 14:07 p.m.
Just a heads up for those copying and pasting these examples; there is a syntax error.
You'll see in the MvEval lines of code:  EXPR". Should be EXPR = "....