mvc --help Displays the following: Usage: mvc [options] file... Options: --help Display this information --version Display version number and exit -B Location of builtin shared images (overrides MVC_LIB environment variable) -w Suppress warning -W Enable otherwise supressed warning -X Abort compilation on warning -o Place the output of compilation in -c Compile only -C Generate code compatible with -p Warn on various pedantic syntax issues -P Error on various pedantic syntax issues -d Generate pseudo-C code suitable for use with Doxygen (implies -c) -D Define a symbol to be detected by MvIFDEF and MvIFNDEF -O Obfuscate constants by splitting them into bytes -f Enable whitespace compression by default for functions -F Disable text and html output by default for functions may be one of: - One or more warning ids, separated by commas - The keyword "all", which indicates all warnings may be one or a comma separated list of the following: scope Warn or error on unscoped variables. lock Warn or error on MvFUNCTIONRETURN inside MvLOCKFILE. capture Warn or error on MvFUNCTIONRETURN inside MvCAPTURE. all All of the above options.